Contact Kelleher Orthodontics
Orthodontist Woodland, CA
Visit our Davis location for all of your orthodontic needs.
Looking for a truly customized plan to straighten your teeth? At Kelleher Orthodontics, we offer Woodland a FREE initial consultation to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn about the benefits of orthodontic treatment.
Driving Directions from Woodland to our Davis Office
Get on CA-113 S from Court St and E Main St
Merge onto CA-113 S
Take exit 29 for Covell Blvd toward Road 31
Turn left onto W Covell Blvd
Turn right onto Oak Ave
Turn right into the Oak Avenue Professional Center
Turn left at the first available left turn
Kelleher Orthodontics is located in the last building on the left
Kelleher Orthodontics serves the following Woodland Zip Codes: 95695 / 95776
Call us
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Emergency After Hours
For true orthodontic emergencies, Dr. Kelleher can be reached on his mobile phone at (916) 390-3321.
As an adult getting braces for a second time Dr. Kelleher really took his time to go over the options I had. In the end, what I originally thought I wanted (Invisalign) wasn’t the best solution for me and I am extremely happy with the course of treatment we decided on. He and his staff have been great!
– Chad Nelson
Contact Us
Visit Kelleher Orthodontics
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Our Davis office also serves the communities of
Dixon, Downtown Davis, West Sacramento, Winters and Woodland